
Tired Eyes

Tired eye is another term for what is commonly known as eyestrain – when eyes feel achy, weak, or heavy due to intense use. It is not a disease, and does not require medical treatment – but it never hurts to know how to prevent it.
What Causes Tired Eyes?
Tired eyes can come from any number of activities. Some of the most common include working on the computer for too long, poor lighting conditions, driving a car for prolonged periods of time, reading for long periods, or any other activity that may require the eyes to maintain intense focus for long periods of time.
Symptoms of Tired Eyes
Common signs and symptoms of eyestrain include:
·Soreness of the eyes
·Dry eyes
·Watery eyes
·Back, neck, and shoulder pain
·General overall fatigue
·Feeling of heaviness in eyes

Treatments for Tired Eyes
Tired eyes are an annoyance more than anything. There are a few ways to prevent eye strain if they don’t work you may want to talk to your eye care professional. Sometimes, there is an underlying medical cause for eyestrain that requires additional treatment.
Some common practices that can reduce the effects of eyestrain are:
· Check your lighting: a high amount of contrast will put more strain on your eyes, so whether you’re reading, watching TV, or working on the computer, make sure you have the room lit evenly, so your eyes don’t have to work as hard

·  Take breaks: give yourself regular short breaks from near work tasks, whether this is using a computer or doing fine embroidery

·   Ensure that your glasses or contact lens prescription is up-to-date — the prescription of the eye has natural changes over time.

