
How to Get Slim Naturally

Trendy diets or fad diets can be an expensive method to try to lose weight and get slim. They may also suggest eliminating certain foods or entire food groups. If you're the type of person that would like to continue with a well-balanced diet and lose weight naturally, skip the commercial diet programs. There are small changes you can make to your diet, exercise and lifestyle to help you get slim in a more natural way.

  1. Eat mindfully. Changing the way you eat can also help you lose weight. Mindful eating may help you eat less and feel satisfied with less food
  • Mindful eating is something that will take practice, patience and time.
  • Start your mindful eating practice by eliminating all distractions around you when you eat. Turn off the TV, cell phone or laptops. These extra distractions can prevent you from fully concentrating on your meal.
  • Take about 20 or 30 minutes to eat your entire meal. Put your fork down in between bites, take a sip of water or chat with your family or friends. When you eat more slowly, you may become more aware of how much you eat and have an easier time stopping when you're satisfied.
  • Also take the time to pay attention to your food and meal. How does it taste? What are the textures? Is it a colorful meal? Really paying attention and focusing on your food can help slow you down and become more satisfied with your foods.
  2.Eat mindfully. Changing the way you eat can also help you lose weight.      Mindful eating may help you eat less and feel satisfied with less food.
  • Many fad or commercial diet programs will have you count calories, points or carbs. This might not be easy, frustrating to do long-term and not the most natural method of weight loss. Allowing your body to dictate your portions and calories is a much more natural method of weight loss.
  • Stop eating when you feel that you're satisfied. That means you should no longer feel hungry. In addition you may lose interest in your food and know that your meal will last for a few hours.
  • If you stop eating when you're full, then you've had too much. You might feel a stretching sensation in your stomach, a "full feeling" or feel somewhat tired. Stop before you get to this feeling.

